Irrigation Hydrants

Irrigation Hydrants, model IDR (square valve, flanged) , IER (elliptic valve and turning joint or flanged) has been projected for all the applications of irrigation, agricultural and residual waters.
Irrigation Hydrants gathers in one compact body both a valve and a meter able to calculate and indicate volumes of water.
Hydrants can be equipped with command type local manual, command manual "M", or type remote (electric solenoid), necessary to operate the manoeuvres of opening and total closing of the flow.
Hydrants’ hydraulic circuit also admits the installation of accessories for regulating hydraulic parameters, in example pressure reducing pilot.
Integrated meter offers various types of installation of connections by means of pulses REED type or a opto-electronic sensor that, connected to a command type remote (solenoid), allows to check HYDRANTS with all the systems of remote control.
    Our line of HYDRANT valves assures:
  • extreme easy installation
  • sensible reduction of maintenance operations
  • long life in open field
  • excellent compromise quality/price
IERTurning Joint
IST-SIstant flow
EMTPulse emitter (Reed)
PREPAIDAutomatic Hydrometer
PN 10/16
IERTurning Joint

Technical Data

Dimensions & Weights

Ø L H B P Qn(*)
on-off reg.
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg) (m3/h) (m3/h)
50 360 160 165 13.0 40 80
80 440 175 200 23.0 70 150
100 440 185 220 25.0 80 160
Turning Joint
Ø L I H h B P Qn(*)
on-off reg.
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (Kg) (m3/h) (m3/h)
50 360 45 160 110 165 12.0 40 80
80 425 65 175 130 200 22.0 70 150
100 430 80 185 160 220 24.0 80 160

Working Pressures

INLINE min (bar) max (bar)
DN50 RIMMEM113NR60 RIMMOL0203020 1.5 16.0
DN80 - DN100 RIMMEM150NR60 RIMMOL030C045 1.5 16.0
min (bar) max (bar)
RIMMEM113NR60 RIMMOL0203020 1.5 16.0
RIMMEM150NR60 RIMMOL030C045 1.5 16.0
TURNING JOINT min (bar) max (bar)
DN50 RHYMEM122NR60 - 1.5 16.0
DN80 RHYMEM180NR60 - 1.5 16.0
DN100 RHYMEM225NR60 - 1.5 16.0